Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tightrope Walker

A little spurt becomes a stream or an ocean of inspiration into which you are suddenly but not unpleasantly plunged. The next thing you know, you begin following this stream wherever it will go, doing a great many things you may later find extremely foolish in order to keep with the whim of the moment.
Every little thing from a single word from someone you secretly admire or are jealous of to a single failure on your own part sends you off on another wild goose chase. Only you aren't chasing birds of any kind - you're chasing the success they tell you waits like light at the end of the tunnel. I tell you that that could just be the train racing towards you poised for murder.
And you realize with time that chasing time isn't the hardest thing to do on earth. It's balance, maintaining balance, that is truly difficult. Because you must have enough control to neither take one side nor the other but to take the middle path. Yet don't sit on the fence - the aim is to be strong enough to walk upon it, with your head held high and nothing to stop you from continuing on. The aim is to grow and be yourself no matter the winds that blow and the winds that try to change and erode you. Ignore the itches and ignore the sweat contaminating your brow. Ignore the rains when they come or at most see them as blessings to wish you good luck upon your lonely way.

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